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Very fun little game. Unfortunately it starts to lag for me when there are too many of them. I guess I have to get better and defeat them faster.

This was actually very fun and impressive that it runs so well using HTML5. Great work!

Thanks for playing!

hjelp me the goblins are in my house hjelpmmMMEEEEEEE

they consume all nomnomnom

My personal best is 4905 seconds survived! Super fun, genuinely had a great time :)

dude that's 81 minutes

the closest to DOOM i'll ever get to play

doomguy would be proud

The portraits through the map are cute. Great stuff! There is a slight lag at times during potion impact. Best of luck friends!

Thanks for taking the time to play! The performance hit on potion impacts is definitely a known issue, and it seems to only lag the first time you use each potion. I think this is a caching issue, and I've been researching ways to pre-load those assets to prevent this issue. Thanks so much for the feedback and best of luck to you as well!